Angelle Taylor, L.P.C.

Trussville Office

  • Specialties

    Depression, Anxiety, Suicide Ideation, Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, Codependency, Caregiver Issues, Addiction, Work place issues, Anger Management, Stress Management, Mood D/O, Geriatrics

  • Education

    Undergraduate: University of Montevallo, B. S. in Psychology
    Graduate School: University of Montevallo, Masters in Counseling & Guidance

  • Certifications

    Licensed Professional Counselor

About Mrs. Taylor

Angelle has over 20 years of experience in counseling and psychiatric care. She has worked in a variety of settings including inpatient & outpatient treatment for adults & geriatrics. Angelle has also provided counseling, mentoring, college preparation, & tutoring to at risk youth in residential & school settings.

Angelle provides counseling to individuals who are experiencing depression, anxiety, substance abuse, family conflict, trauma, grief, work place issues, stress management, codependency, & support to caretakers of the geriatric population. She uses a variety of treatment modalities, including a client centered approach to therapy involving cognitive behavioral therapy & dialectical behavior therapy. Angelle tailors her treatment plan based on individual needs and what will be most beneficial to the client.


Trussville Office

3504 Vann Rd
Suite 100
Birmingham, AL 35235

Phone: 205-655-0585
Phone: 205-655-0586